Hi everyone! SLEIGH BELLS IN THE SNOW, my first full length contemporary romance, is out now in the US and the UK.
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The heroine of this story, Kayla, is a workaholic who finds Christmas a difficult time of year. She intends to avoid it altogether so when a new client, sexy businessman Jackson O’Neil invites her to snowy Vermont to help save his family business she thinks this all her Christmas wishes have come true. But things don’t turn out quite the way Kayla plans……
My youngest son made a book trailer for Sleigh Bells in the Snow (the whole family gets involved in my writing!). You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-yFDL7Qjpk I think he did a great job!
Other News
This month I met up with the lovely Barbara Vey from Publishers Weekly. She was over in the UK visiting the Harlequin UK team and some of the authors. You can watch that interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7SknoJ2yi8
Stay in touch!
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Happy Holidays!