Newsletter Archives

A WEDDING IN DECEMBER out in the UK now!

October 30th 2019

A Wedding in December is out in the UK today!  As many of you know, I have written a Christmas book every year since I was first published (let’s not talk about how long ago that was!). It has become a fun part of the winter for me, and A Wedding in December combines all the elements I most enjoy writing – family, friendship and of course romance, all in a magical snowy setting. There are plenty of twists and turns in this story (will there even be a wedding? You’ll have to read to find out!), lots of laughs, and ...Continue Reading

A Wedding in December out in the US today!

September 24th 2019

I’m excited that my new book A WEDDING IN DECEMBER is out in the US today (UK readers have to wait until October 31st!). When I told my editor I wanted to write a fun, complicated story about a snowy family wedding she said ‘great! I love a good wedding’. So do I (mostly because of the champagne and cake) but that was the point where I had to confess that I wasn’t sure there was actually going to be a wedding in the end, because there were going to be so many ups and downs that the bride or the groom - or both! - might ...Continue Reading

ONE SUMMER IN PARIS available in the UK and US now!

April 9th 2019

I’m so excited that ONE SUMMER IN PARIS is out now in the UK and the US. If you’ve read my books before (and if you have, thank you!) then you’ll know that as well as romance, I often explore themes of friendship in my stories. If we’re lucky we continue to make friends throughout the course of our lives. Our friendship circle often includes people of our own generation, but sometimes we find ourselves with older and younger friends. For years I enjoyed a friendship with my elderly neighbour, who often shared stories o ...Continue Reading

Are you ready for a trip to Paris?

March 7th 2019

I’m so ready for Spring, not just because I am looking forward to warmer weather but also because I have a new book out! One Summer in Paris will be on the shelves in the UK and US at the beginning of April. UK readers who pre-order could win themselves a glamorous trip to Paris! Keep reading for details on how to enter. Here’s a summary of the story! To celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, Grace has planned the surprise of a lifetime for her husband—a romantic getaway to Paris. But she never expected he’ ...Continue Reading

THE CHRISTMAS SISTERS out in the UK today!

November 1st 2018

When the leaves change colour and the early mornings shimmer with frost it can only mean one thing - yes, it’s time for a new Christmas book from me! THE CHRISTMAS SISTERS is out in the UK today (US readers have already had the book for a month), and I’m so excited. No matter how many books I write I still get the same thrill when I first hold the finished copy in my hand, see it on the shelves, and then hear from readers who are enjoying it. Those of you who have been reading my books for a while will know how much I ...Continue Reading

The Christmas Sisters out in the US today!

September 25th 2018

I know it’s FAR too early to be thinking about Christmas (and I’m not going to tell you how many shopping days are left or you’ll hate me), but I confess I’m one of those people who can happily read a snowy story all year round. It cools me down during hot summer months, and puts me in a festive mood as those evenings grow darker, the leaves start to fall and we move towards winter. My latest book, THE CHRISTMAS SISTERS, is out in the US today (UK readers have a few more weeks to wait!) and it’s set in the Highlands of ...Continue Reading

How do you keep a secret? Find out today!

July 10th 2018

It feels as if I’ve been talking about How To Keep A Secret forever, so I’m really excited that the book is out in the US today. I love stories about families, and this book is a family drama complete with twists and turns and a few surprises (and romance! Don’t worry, there are a few cute men, and also a cute dog). How to Keep A Secret is a standalone novel, so you don’t need to worry about where you are in a series – you can just dive right in. It’s a slightly different book for me, bigger and with more characters, b ...Continue Reading

How To Keep A Secret is out in the UK today!

June 13th 2018

How To Keep A Secret is out today in the UK! This book focuses on three generations of women from the same family, all of whom are keeping secrets from each other. When circumstances force them to spend the summer together on the beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard, those secrets gradually emerge. It’s a family drama, with twists and turns (and a few surprises!). It explores the intricate and complicated relationships between family members - grandmother, mother and child. And of course there is also romance! I’m not ...Continue Reading

News from Sarah Morgan!

April 23rd 2018

I am SO ready for summer, are you? I’ve spent most of the winter hidden away in my office writing and although it’s cosy and warm, I’ve missed spending time outdoors. I’m counting down the days until June not only because I’m tired of having cold toes, but because my new novel HOW TO KEEP A SECRET will be out in the UK (June 14th) and US (July 10th). I’m always excited to have a new book out, but I’m particularly excited about THIS book. It’s a little different for me because it isn’t part of a series, and I hope reade ...Continue Reading

Moonlight Over Manhattan out in the US today!

November 28th 2017

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