Newsletter Archives

The Christmas Escape is out now!

October 27th 2021

My new book The Christmas Escape is out now in the UK, US and Canada. It has all the elements that I love in a Christmas book – family drama, a magical snowy setting and (of course!) romance. Writing a story set around the festive season has become part of my own Christmas tradition, and I start early! By the time October arrives and the weather grows colder I’m already immersing myself in the snowy, wintery world of my book, and trying to capture that cosy festive feeling. Of all the settings I’ve chosen for my winter ...Continue Reading

Are you ready for a Christmas Escape?

October 1st 2021

I can’t believe it’s October, but while part of me is sad to say goodbye to summer another part of me is excited because it means my next book, A Christmas Escape, will be out in just three weeks! You all know how much I love writing Christmas books and for a long time I’ve wanted to set a book in Lapland, land of snowy forests and the Northern Lights. I can’t think of a better setting for festive fiction. My heroine Christy is the Queen of Christmas and she has planned the perfect Christmas escape – a dream trip to La ...Continue Reading

The Summer Seekers is out in the UK, US and Canada now!

May 26th 2021

My next book, The Summer Seekers, is out now in the UK, US and Canada. This is a fun, uplifting story (happy ending guaranteed!) of friendship and romance and I hope it will brighten your day. Here’s more about the story: Kathleen is eighty years old. After a run-in with an intruder, her daughter wants her to move into a residential home. She’s not having any of it. What she craves – needs – is adventure. Liza is drowning under the daily stress of family life. The last thing she needs is her mother jetting o ...Continue Reading

Get ready for the road trip of a lifetime!

April 29th 2021

My next book, The Summer Seekers, is out in just a few weeks (May 18th in the US and Canada, May 27th in the UK!) The idea for this story came to me three years ago, which is unusual for me. I work on one book at a time, and often don’t know what I’m writing next until I’m about to begin. But this story was different. The character of Kathleen came to me fully formed, and I fell in love with her right away. Kathleen is 80 years old and, after an encounter with an intruder in her home, she decides that rather than movin ...Continue Reading

ONE MORE FOR CHRISTMAS out in the UK today!

October 28th 2020

My brand new novel, One More for Christmas, is out in paperback in the UK today!I’ve written a Christmas book every year since I was first published (20 years!) and this is one of my favourites. Successful career woman Gayle is estranged from her two adult daughters, but an accident in the office leaves her questioning the choices she made in her life and she decides Christmas is the perfect time to heal the rift. Her daughters are less enthusiastic! There have been big changes in their lives since they la ...Continue Reading

One More For Christmas out in the US today!

October 6th 2020

Have you ever looked back and wondered if you made the wrong choices? That’s what happens to Gayle, one of the characters in my new release ONE MORE FOR CHRISTMAS, out today in the US (coming to the UK on October 29th). Gayle has built a successful business, but she hasn’t seen her two adult daughters for five years. She decides the festive season is the perfect time to mend their fractured relationship. Her daughters Samantha and Ella are horrified at the news that their mother intends to spend Christmas with them, no ...Continue Reading

A brand new Sarah Morgan book coming soon!

September 4th 2020

I can’t believe it’s already September and that my new book, One More For Christmas, will be out next month! I’m often asked to pick a favourite of the books I’ve written, and I struggle to do so because they are all my favourite while I’m writing them. But if I had to pick a favourite, this one would definitely be on the list. I fell in love with the characters (we writers are strange that way because our characters become real people to us), and I had so much fun with the twists and turns of this family-centered stor ...Continue Reading

Family for Beginners available in the US and Canada now!

May 6th 2020

What strange and difficult times we are living in. I hope you’re all staying safe and well. If like me, you’re finding reading to be a good way of taking a short, calming break from what is happening in the world then you might be interested to know that Family for Beginners is out in the US and Canada today. UK readers have had this book since the beginning of April, so I’ve been talking about it online for a while and it’s been fun to see so many of your names popping up during my live Facebook chats. Family for Begi ...Continue Reading

Family For Beginners out now in the UK!

April 2nd 2020

Family for Beginners, my next book, is out in paperback today in the UK (ebook already available!). I’ve been excited about the publication of this story for a long time, and it’s come at a time when the world seems scary and uncertain. I’ve had to ration the news because there’s only so much of it I can take (any of you the same?), and one of my ways to calm myself is to read. Books have always been a distraction for me, both writing them and reading them. I receive many messages from readers telling me that my books ...Continue Reading

Don't miss Family For Beginners - coming soon!

March 4th 2020

I’ve spent the winter snuggled in my office writing, so I’m excited that spring is almost here, not just because I love tulips, daffodils and the occasional glimmer of sunshine, but because Family For Beginners, my brand new summer read will be out in the UK next month (April 2nd!)  and the US on May 5th.  To tempt you here’s a little more about the book. Flora loves Jack – but loving Jack means building a relationship with his cranky teenage daughter while living in the shadow of his dead wife, the perfect ...Continue Reading

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